After literally years of wanting to do it I have finally gone live with my training school for all things uncertainty and statistics related to medical laboratories.

Feel free to sign up now at

At the moment i have published a FREE course on managing spreadsheets for data analysis and in the next day or two will be adding to that with another free offering for performing summary statistics in excel to accompany my series of articles in Pathology in Practice on method comparison studies

So what are the goals for the site?

I want to provide extensive training for all of us that are scientists in medical labs to help supplement training that we get “on the job”. Times have changed – certainly in my 20 years in the profession and our ability to analyse data is now at the forefront of what we do. We are very busy and the time to relearn (or even learn for the first time) all the statistical concepts isn’t something we have time for.

So what will i be covering?

Measurement Uncertainty (of course)

Internal Quality Control (and statistical quality control)

Method comparability

Study design

and a whole lot more including:

Coding in R and python specifically designed for us in the lab

Machine learning that we can apply to our research projects

the formats will be short courses (designed to be taken in bite sized chunks, over a couple of lunch breaks (if you can face it!) or entire learning paths and skill tracks for focused extensive training in topics

The format is video lecturing and quizzes with a certificate of completion for your all important CPD files! Learning tracks and paths will also include in person (well virtual at least!) tutorial support

This whole project and the direction of travel in the early stages is driven by what i think are the issues we encounter on a daily basis. We will be most successful if i get feedback from you guys in the field to let me know what you need, i will then be able to provide it.

In the coming weeks i will also be launching another site that will serve as the hub for all the earning resources, i will provide further details once it is live

So, i hope, things are moving in the right direction, and the resources that become available help us to approach the many challenges we face in the lab

Again, please reach out, provide feedback, positive or negative and tell me what you want!